sábado, el 30 de junio de 2012

In that photo Max is 8 days old...next week Max is 8 months old. Time flies!!

Buenos noches mis amigos. How goes your long weekend?

Crazy storm last night, or more like 5am and is it a coincidence that Max was not happy at 5am? He let us know so I took him to the spare room, gave him a pit stop and for the next 2 hours or so, we rocked, snoozed, talked about Tom and Katie and had a cry. And then did it all over again.

At 7am I figured it was time to bring in the jugs and sure enough he tanked up and we all slept until 815am. Now if we could have skipped the 5-7am part, sleeping until 815am is a dream!!

I got up with him and we had 2 hours of morning rutina. No walk as I was muy tarde due to being pooped. It takes me a while to get organized on days like today, so by the time Max has eaten his desayunos, he is nearing his own nap time.

And stretching nap time for a walk is not recommended. Half way through a walk he will let you know you have screwed up and he should be at home having a chest nap!!

So we cleaned up and hit the sack at 1015am…2 hours after waking up…right on schedule. It didn't take much to get him to close his ojo and soon he was asleep. Over the next 1 hour and 40 minuutes (ya baby!!) I grabbed a few minutes of zzz.

The trick to a long chest nap? Linking the naps is what I am told. If Max starts to stir, don’t let him wake up, but instead rock him back to sleep and let him start his next nap. I must have linked 4 naps!! Ja ja ja


The race is on and Max y madre are working on the last 2 steps in the night time rutina. Wish us luck!!

So, waking up at noon from a nap, kinda limits what you can do for the rest of the day. My day…el gimnasio, Che and the pool.

Bex y Max took the walk and they too had a long chest nap. So after 2 long chest naps, there was no way we can get the lil’ball of energia down for a 3rd, so he hung out with us while we ate salads.

Then we dialed up mis padres for a FT as 2 of mi padres hermanos were visiting, and time for Max to put on a show. He did not disappoint!!

We had a great dinner and Max joined us with his plate of Cheerios, broccoli, cereal cookie and the such.

He is getting much better at feeding himself and one of the next milestones is his ability to use the thumb and finger as pincers. Based on the fact that he has been a head of schedule on most milestones, this one should happen soon. Stay tuned.

No walk about fotos today as I took the camioneta to el gimnasio so I could hit Che right after I was done.

But…here are the alberca fotos.

I am seeing double. Nice foto trick madre!!

You think 30 minutes of this splashing would tire him out? Nope.

Do I look tired?

Tonight…Mojon plans and the race. Mañana…continue with the plans and maybe a sleep in!! Max…you in for that? Ja ja ja

Have a great domingo.

Last foto. Click on it to see full screen.

It is another panoramic view from within the zocalo and looking towards calle Bugambilia. The yellow building towards the right from center, is where the restaurante Los Portales, is located.

Marco, Bexico y Max

viernes, el 29 de junio de 2012

Hola and welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your night off from reading all about me going to el gimnasio and what we ate para la cena….as much as we did!! Ja ja ja

First things first. Read this clip.

It is a screen shot from a website, the one for which Bexico created the character and all the flowers. Pretty impressive…felicidades!!

And more congrats for Bex? She had managed to turn Max’s cereal in to cookies!! Why is this important? Porque he does not like eating mushy food anymore and wants something to gum and to sharpen his one tooth on. The cookies work perfect!!

Weather? We have had 2 very sunny and warm days. Great for the pool and great for Amy’s Vitel business as we were drinking 1 garaffon every 2 days and now it is 1 a day.

Need to get water? Juts look for the boys at the comedor.

Ayer. Yesterday.

Hoy. Today.

Fridge update? The part has arrived in Regina in one piece!! We should see it before the end of julio…stay tuned.

TV star? We were watching the 6pm News, at 8pm and who do we see? Jim Romer, past MS Exec Chef and current owner of Romers,  doing a commercial…small world.

A great day as Max had a good night’s sleep…and how about the 715am wake up call!!! A lot better then 5 or 6am.

Walk time, giggle time, pool time, crawl time, JJ time, eating time and nap time…pretty much wraps up my day…and Max’s too!!

Let’s get to some more fotos.

Sippy cup action shots.

Ok, so the cup was upside down and is now on the floor...cut him some slack, he is a niño!!

How's this for pool time?

Click on foto to see it full size...madre y Max have the pool to themselves.

I read that Huatulco missed a lot of damage from the hurricane due to it's preparedness. More of that is visible here.

School fotos...they all ooo'd when they saw the lil'niño.

One of Max's many tios.

Blue sky, the smell of pollo in the air, and an extension on the smoke stack.

The arbol de limon across the street from CP. Free limes for all.

I am looking for a previous foto taken from the same spot...totally brown. Amazing what a little lluvia will do.

They all screamed at me to take their foto...so I did.

Fonatur was making some new lids.

The beam holds up a circle that becomes the base of the new concrete lid. There is rebar in the hole and then they used the paper from the cement bag as wax paper, so the concrete does not stick. Pour in the concrete, let it cure and then remove the beam. Ta da.

Mobile auto y moto parts. This hombre was buying a new headlamp.

Rambutan...a truck full of rambutan.

Maybe this is why the internet is slow? Looks like a poste was knocked down and Telmex is reinstalling their lines. I did see our amigo Bruno and said hola to him. 

Mojon news? I had a long meeting with both Sergio y Roman and picked up the CAD drawings. If we can afford it all, pretty sweet looking place to live and rent.

Before martes, Bexico and I will review them one more time and see if we need any small changes and then get them back to the team. Phase 3 will take a few weeks and it includes a detailed line by line cost of everything, from the sinks to the tiles.

That is what the base price of the construction has been based on and we will then be able to look at the cost of any upgrades we have chosen. Upgrades? Like having closets under the sinks in the baño? Upgrade? Viva Mexico!!

So we will spend some time looking at outlet placements, the need for extra outlets, the number of lighting fixtures and the such.

Great looking plans…stay tuned.

Mañana…is it sábado already? El gimnasio and the race is on at 630pm!!

Buen fin de semana and all you Canadian folks, enjoy the Canada Day long weekend.

PS...for those that just MUST know, we had pollo patties last night for dinner...never again. Pasta tonight, muslo pollo mañana y steak domingo!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

miercoles, el 27 de junio de 2012

Why Max is assuming "the position", we are not sure.

Well, the attempt at getting Max to sleep in his cuna…is over.

After several days of trying, and after several cradling sessions last night, it just isn’t the right time.

Anoche, we put him back in the bed he is familiar with, and he was lights out. We would rather continue down this route, knowing he is happy and getting a good sleep. Thank goodness we bought the king size colchone!!

815pm and madre y Max are doing their best to get him tanked up and then asleep…fingers crossed.

The day went well, but no alberca time as the day just slipped away. As well, my walk with Max did not happen, but was done by madre…doph.

Instead of a walk, we had 2 hours of chest time…no one is complaining. Ja ja ja

So, throw in el gimnasio and a trip to Che, and that sums up my day. Muy tranquilo.

Great workout at the gym and the familia had a fun time at Che as not only did we have some good scores (hola to mas cheddar!!), but it is always nice to have peeps stop and talk about Max.

On that note, madre y Max were in Oxxo (our 7-11) and were chatting up some out of town Mexicanos when she said something that was not meant to be funny, but easily could be (doble sentido…double meaning) and who starts laughing? Only our friendly neighborhood Vitel amigos, Amy y Victor.

Those guys are fun and really enjoy talking to us…almost too much. I am upstairs about to shower, the front door is closed and all I hear is the constant buzzing of our door buzzer.

I go down and it is Amy, with our garaffon, and he just wants to talk and let me know he has seen Max y Bex in the centro. Better to have overly excited amigos then no friends at all.

And what do they do with the propina we leave them everytime they lug up 19 litros of agua to our condo?

Caught eating again. Hilairious.

The rest of the fotos.

Lots of young peeps here, get their starts in the kitchens of the major hotels in Tangolunda.

Update on the new arbol.

You would have to be so lost to even find this sign, which is in the middle of a residential neighborhood.

By el gimnasio, a parque where Max can play.

Ayer, Bex had a Skype with a possible client and it all went well. Stay tuned. 

Meanwhile she putters on the remaining work she has as we know that it comes in waves for her and lots of work is just on the horizon.

Just saw a commercial for Lotto Max…hmmmm.

Misc…Bex y Max picked up the light cover…$450 pesos? No discount for awesome niño y yummy mummy?

Last fotos.

Left side...tight...tight like a tiger.

Right side? More bum lifts?

Da plane, da plane.

Ok mis amigos, have a great jueves.

Marco, Bexico y Max

martes, el 26 de junio de 2012

Ok…we now know Max is teething…and not liking it one bit…get it Bitt?

We doped him up tonight (niño Tylenol) as he was one unhappy customer and there was NO way we were going to get him to drink up the leche and fall asleep.

And The Niño Whisperer is losing his confidence as his co-Captain had to come in and close the deal. The lil’hombre was asleep not once, twice three times…nope he was asleep 4 times and woke up each time I out him in his cuna. Doph.

But Bex came in and saved the day.

So at 930pm, Storage Wars is on, Max is asleep (and still breathing…phew) and Bex is headed up to the oficina and about to have a Skype with a potential new client. Cha ching!!


935pm and guess who is awake and unhappy. Doph….I might be headed in there soon so Bex can conduct her Skype….stay tuned.

A good day and our lil’alarm clock was up at 7am…even though he fell asleep at 10pm. Huh? Oh well, we got up and after 30 minutes of getting myself arranged, it was time for breakfast.

The lil’guy is eating up a storm and today was no different. He is on solids now…like I can’t tell by looking at his panale…ja ja ja. But he is supposed to drop a boobie feeding and so far he hasn’t. We know what side of the family the appetite comes from!!

A good walk today and found some good features on the waterproof camera.

Hello to Panoramic mode...it splices 3 fotos together!! Taken from in front of the iglesia, this is the zocalo. If you double click on the foto, you will get a full size view.

The camera is great for underwater and now panoramic shots…not the best for the everyday regular shots…and the auto setting sucks!!


10pm and we have moved him back into our bed. Not his fault he learned to sleep with us and now that we are trying to get him to fall asleep somewhere he is not used to, it is difficult.

Throw in a sore tooth and ta-da. So we practice patience and also try to show him as much love as possible.

Back to the día.

Roman was back at 10am and he fixed the ventilador  in Max’s bedroom. He has also found a replacement light cover for the one that broke, but today that tienda was closed both times we went there. Hola to Mexico…sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for why a store is open or closed.

After he was done, we reviewed some possible changes on the Mojon plans…moving the pool solves our parking issue. Hoping to have update CAD drawings soon.

He hit the road to meet with Sergio and I was bushed. So I hit the hay and doph…2 hours later I was up and ready to hit el gimnasio.

Madre had the bulk of the día with Max and she too had a rough night’s sleep so at the end of the day I took care of him so she could slow down and have some Bex time.

But before that occurred, I had a good session at the gym, making up for the lame a** session I had ayer. Then it was off through centro, no luck at the lighting store, but did grab some good molida res at Papalopan. Two days in a row for ground beef there…much better tasting then the stuff I have been buying at Che.

Then off to say hola to the gang at Gabriel’s, where Vicky has rejoined them after a short comedor venture.

And who else did I see there?

That is Daniel Jr, Daniel’s hijo.

Nice to catch up and then it was time to head home.

Here are the rest of the fotos from the walk.

Construction at the tiengas.

New electrical and like many governments...let's spend some $$ on a sign to tell everyone we have spent $$.

$730,113.35 pesos...$55,102.89 Cdn.

Meanwhile...Back to The Future.

Ahhh Mexico. Two pallets to warn peeps of some recently filled in bache, pot holes.

Now if you are driving at night without headlights, like many motos here do...doph.

Round 2 on the Pizza Express. It has been closed for almost un mes.

You see this often here. Have tools, will travel and work.

The friendliest over drinker in town. Here he is wearing one of the free playeras given out by one of the Presidential candidates.

I was told that on the day of the election, primero de julio, it is illegal to sell alcohol. Hmmm. And old school voting, they dip your thumb in ink to prove you have voted.

When I got home to the condo, I bumped into the gatito (kitten) that had roamed our condo yesterday.

Hey, a perro is a dog. A perrito is a small dog and a cachorro is a puppy. A gato is a cat, why is a gatito a kitten?

Anyway, madre brought out Max, who had already been crawling around in the grass. And here the fotos.

Max loves mascotas and true to Max's nature…he pulled on the kitten’s ears.

Upstairs, a quick change and then 45 minutes in the pool…just the 3 of us.

A good pre-rutina FT con mis padres and then a tranquilo cena…until bed time. And you are all caught up.

Some more Max fotos?

From his lunch session. He has been working on feeding himself Cheerios. Look closely at his belly.

Mañana? No sé…but stay tuned.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max